Friday, November 30, 2007
New Torrent Client - Deluge
I've been using a new torrent client lately. It's goes by the name Deluge. Overall the client I used, only this gave me satisfactory results. Oh, by the way, I am in Sabah, Malaysia, for those who don't have a clue of who I am. Back to the topic. Deluge seems to get "past" Streamyx P2P throttling. Even though the results is not as good as in the Semenanjung guys and gals got (can't have full speed on my 1 Mbps during the day), still, downloading a huge torrent, almost 8GB, in two weeks, proves that this client is very efficient.
The results may vary for individuals. But for me, this is the best by far. None ever get close to Deluge's speed. It may seems to be simplistic at first, because this client has only been developed recently, ported from Linux version to Windows version. Not to mention occasional bugs here and there. But hey. I really need the speed, so I can live with a few bugs.
For those interested, here is the official link for this client.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Labels: Torrent
Need For Speed: ProStreet
The (moderately?) anticipated pc game of the year. I thought it would be very nice addition to the NFS series. Alas, I am wrong. First thing first. This game should be about street racing right? But no. This game is played in tracks, somewhere in the middle of nowhere. Better rename it to Protrack. And the system requirements is also very high. Yes, I know, the minimum requirement is kinda low. But if many peoples in forums are complaining about stuttering graphics, even on high end computer, then what is the minimum requirements?, to play the game smoothly on the lowest setting? Hell. I don't even want to play past the second part. The graphic is so bad, I revert to play C&C3: Tiberium Wars. The storyline is much better there anyway. So to EA, you should patch this game as soon as possible so that lower end system can play it. If not, this series will get a bad name..
Friday, November 30, 2007
Labels: PC Games
Command And Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars Kane Edition (HKZonda)
The first game that I got is on a DVD-9 (double-layer dvd!). This game is sure huge in its own right. I already played the normal difficulty level and man, it sure is fun. In it's own right of course. Compared to the previous C&C franchise I played, this one is by far the most appealing one. Not to mention that this game is responsive on a moderately powered PC. Heck, all games should be created this way so all people can play it. Congrats to the creator of this great game!
Friday, November 30, 2007
Labels: PC Games
Thursday, November 29, 2007
My First Post
Wow..After (tirelessly) thinking about how am I suppose to begin my own blog, at last it is finally here. I hope this will be the beginning of something interesting for me. Oh yes, almost forgot. To all of my prospective reader, welcome! I hope you will gain something useful from reading my blog. Once again, thanks for reading my blog.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Labels: First Post